Digital transformation, a term now synonymous with innovation and adaptation, offers many benefits for companies around the world. The integration of new technologies into many organizations’ daily operations has become a fundamental part of their strategic initiatives.

The main goal of any company is not to lag and be surpassed by its competitors. However, not every company is up for the kind of challenge that involves adopting new emerging technologies. The path to digital transformation is full of complexities, cultural shifts, and strategic planning that can quickly revolutionize a business environment and improve or disrupt its operations.

In this article, we’ll review what digital transformation can do for your business and the emerging technologies that can transform the way your company operates, communicates, and interacts with its customers.

Digital Transformation: Explained

In simple terms, digital transformation is when a company embraces new technologies to optimize daily procedures and lower operational costs. For many organizations, digital transformation is more than an attempt to remain competitive; it is necessary to stay in business.

A company can undergo a digital transformation in many ways. One example is moving from paper files to digital documents. This has been a popular trend over the last few decades, mainly initiated by companies that wanted to implement an environmentally friendly workspace.

Other initiatives, however, involve the incorporation of emerging technologies to be used in day-to-day jobs. This kind of digital transformation enhances the quality of products and services and improves customer experiences.

Key Technologies That Enable Digital Transformation

While many companies have already embraced the power of new technologies and digital processes, others are still on the path to selecting the ones more beneficial to their business. Here are some trending technologies that have become key to digital transformation.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an example of a technological trend that has been incorporated by many companies worldwide. For laymen, “the cloud” is a virtual space to store digital files, but for organizations, it’s much more complex. In the cloud, companies can store servers, databases, software, and analytics that can be accessed remotely.


With automation, companies use machines to perform repetitive tasks in order to save time and increase productivity. Many industries have implemented automation in their processes, such as the manufacturing and production areas, customer service and support, finance, and accounting.

Artificial Intelligence

While artificial intelligence is still in development, it has already transformed some companies’ strategic areas, including marketing, product development, and sales.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is probably one of the more trendy technologies that have revolutionized the way companies share information and make transactions. The most popular blockchain is the one used to make financial operations with cryptocurrencies.

Mobile Platforms

Mobile apps allow members of an organization to access the company’s resources remotely. They also allow workers to stay involved in daily operations anytime, anywhere.

Create a Digital Transformation Strategy

As mentioned, a company’s digital transformation is a complex process. It requires clear strategies and straightforward execution to make the organization’s transition as smooth as possible. Here are some digital transformation strategies to consider.

Consult With Experts

The path to digital transformation requires the expertise of specialists in the area. On this matter, companies have two alternatives. They can hire new staff with digital transformation knowledge or consult with a specialized third-party company. These companies will visit your workplace to evaluate the areas where digital processes will improve performance.

Don’t Erase Old Success

A digital transformation doesn’t necessarily have to erase past success; instead, it should build on and reinforce your already established strengths. When choosing which areas of your company will benefit from incorporating emerging technologies, don’t search for options that will change them entirely. Instead, look for digital alternatives that will improve your existing accomplishments.

Educate Your Employees

When incorporating new technologies, you must provide your workers with proper guidelines. When operational policies aren’t established, it’s natural that some employees will return to the old way of doing things. Any changes made to a company should be followed by proper training.

Consider Digital Transformation Frameworks

When a company’s management team isn’t specialized in digital transformations, it is natural to make easily avoidable mistakes. By contacting a specialized company, you’ll be able to clearly state your specific goals and requirements, which will help them provide you with a specific framework that adjusts to your needs. That way, you’ll start your digital transformation on a high note.

Benefits of Embracing New Technologies

Many benefits are linked to a company’s digital transformation. Some, such as lowering costs and increasing productivity, have already been established. Here are other ways in which your company’s performance will improve.

  • Data collection enhancement. Every organization accumulates a large amount of data stored in physical archives. When those are added to cloud systems, your company can also incorporate software for analysis and metrics of those digital documents. This simplifies building reports and devising effective strategies.
  • Improvement of business models. When incorporating emerging technologies into your company’s processes, you’ll be enhancing the company’s reach, improving your market share, and, of course, profit margins.
  • Better customer experience. While most elements of a company’s digital transformation impact the organization’s internal processes, you must not forget how this will affect your customers’ experience. Some digital processes improve customer interactions, making products and services more accessible.
  • Improve internal communications. Online tools and mobile apps have made communication among office members much simpler. Co-workers no longer have to be in the same room to communicate efficiently thanks to chat and video conference tools.

Going Digital Is a Cultural Transformation

A company’s digital transformation isn’t something to take lightly. For many organizations, it is not just about standing out from their competitors and increasing their productivity. Old-school companies may have succeeded in the past, but in these modern times, keeping up with emerging technologies and trends is a matter of survival.

To make the transition as smooth as possible, you must develop strategies and choose technological tools that better suit your business needs and goals. One key factor in these transitions is the proper training of your organization’s members. They must learn not only how to use these new technologies but also how to get the most out of them to increase the company’s productivity.

If you’re in the Philadelphia, eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware areas, don’t hesitate to consult with KDI Office Technology. Our team of experts will provide proper guidance on your company’s path to digital transformation.