March 29, 2023 – Aston PA – KDI Office Technology, introduces cSimpl (“Simpl,” pronounced “simple,”) through their partnership with Crawford Technologies.

cSimpl is a web-based tool. It allows customers with production print equipment to create advanced workflows for data files in the cloud. This secure data stream and document enhancement workflow repairs PDF files. Plus, it optimizes post-composition tools and connects data to printers and postproduction equipment.

“In addition to providing a solution for inefficient PDF files,” says Rick Salcedo, CEO/President of KDI, “it addresses problems that frequently arise with barcoding, replacement of forms, job splitting, and postal sorting. Our team is excited to provide this new service to customers of all sizes. It’s the perfect solution, filling the gap with an affordable option.”

Fixing problematic PDF files in the cloud eliminates challenges associated with ripping and printing files on production printers and presses. Additionally, cSimpl easily connects print files to printers and post-production equipment.

“cSimpl delivers greater efficiency, effectiveness, and automation to an organization’s production workflow,” said Ernie Crawford, president and CEO of Crawford Technologies. “This reduces costly manual steps in the customer communication manufacturing process. We are excited to partner with KDI to bring this technology to their customers in the business technology market.”

To learn more about cSimpl by KDI, please visit